Every year since I can remember, while traveling through the Carolinas on Interstate I-95, there has been a large billboard visible to travelers, funded by the
John Birch Society, proclaiming that the United States should "get out" of the United Nations. I always found the Birch Society to be a bit amusing for a fringe group, but on this issue, I have long thought that they might actually have a valid point.
Who could ever forget the image of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez (who has
his own problems these days BTW) standing before the world body,
proclaiming a duly elected leader of a Western democracy was a "devil"? Or more recently, the Hitler of our time, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad using the organization as a megaphone to broadcast his lies and rhetoric to the world?
J.D.Gordon came out with a great
article this week detailing some of the failings of the United Nations that really gets to the heart of the matter...
"How did such a respectable international governmental organization, one that fought a bloody war including 16-member states which beat back a Communist invasion of South Korea from 1950-1953, come to symbolize little more than a leftist think tank embracing a platform for anti-Western rhetoric?
Though the answer is complex, much of it stems from the egalitarian desire to give all heads of state an equal voice in world affairs. While a noble endeavor, the end result has been to erode a once formidable organization and champion of protecting sovereign nations into an increasingly marginalized, and at times radicalized, entity....
As the greatest threats to world peace today arguably stem from Iran's inexorable march to obtaining nuclear weapons combined with their threats against Israel, grave danger posed by shadowy yet lethal non-state actors such as al Qaeda, and a continuously erratic North Korean regime, the UN should be confronted on its plan to halt these dangers before they become worse.
Sadly, rather than effectively dealing with any of these serious challenges the UN has taken a different approach by giving countries with totalitarian regimes and egregious human rights records, such as Iran, Cuba and Libya, the largest platforms in which to scapegoat others for their own problems."
Perhaps the time has come, as Senator John McCain once put it, to createa "League of Democracies" to "act where the U.N. fails to". Anything would be beter than the corrupt and largely impotent den of thieves that now exists. What are your thoughts?
UPDATE: In addition to stinking up the hotel where he stayed last week with his version of home cooking at the New Yok hotel he stayed at last week, Ahmadinejad apparently wore the same clothes all week while in town to speak at the UN. How ripe must he have been?