Where's the birth certificate

Free and Strong America

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The abortion clinic and other novel ideas of Adolf Hitler

In keeping with the theme that 76% of all Planned Parenthood clinics are located in minority neighborhoods, today's article points out another billboard campaign similar to the one in Atlanta cited in yesterday's entry, this time, in Poland. The above billboard traslates to "Abortion for Polish women introduced by Hitler on March 9, 1943". And it's true. The article is well footnoted and contains the following items...
  • Until 1932, abortion was banned in Poland without exceptions. In that year a new Penal Code legalized abortion strictly when there were medical reasons and, for the first time in Europe, when the pregnancy resulted from a criminal act. Except during the German occupation during the Second World War, this law was in effect from 1932 to 1956.
  • (Hitler) he was the first major Western leader to allow abortion even for reasons of the stress of the mother – thus making it legal in nearly every circumstance. His idea was to limit the growth of populations (lessen them, actually) in the Eastern territories where he wanted the German empire to expand – while increasing pregnancies and births to "Aryan" couples.
Hitler introduced the novel concept of free-standing abortion mills in a 1942 policy statement..

"In view of the large families of the Slav native population, it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible. We are not interested in seeing the non-German population multiply. ...
We must use every means to instill in the population the idea that it is harmful to have several children, the expenses that they cause and the dangerous effect on woman's health. ...
It will be necessary to open special institutions for abortions and doctors must be able to help out there in case there is any question of this being a breach of their professional ethics."

None of this does any good for the pro-aborts as the writhe in pain from the direct comparisons to Adolf Hitler. They are still in denial that Planned Parenthood's Birth Control Review publication once carried and article by Ernst Rudin, Hitler's director of sterilization, and the speech Margaret Sanger gave at a KKK rally in Silver Lake, New Jersey. I hardly expect them to become suddenly open minded now.


Unknown said...

If we're getting rid of all things Hitler, why not start with Christianity?

tinkbell13 said...

Your ignorance knows no boundaries.

Unknown said...

Don't you see, tink, an organization that spends 99% of its money on sexual education and 1% of its money on performing elective abortions on willing participants is carrying on a Nazi tradition!

This is why we need to increase taxes to fund public education. It has failed an entire generation of JD's out there.

J Curtis said...

If we're getting rid of all things Hitler, why not start with Christianity?

It is a historical fact that Hitler tried to get rid of Christianity. An article from the far right wing extremist outlet known as the NY Times..

"One of the leading United States investigators at Nuremberg, Gen. William J. Donovan -- Wild Bill Donovan of the O.S.S., the C.I.A.'s precursor -- collected and cataloged trial evidence in 148 bound volumes of personal papers that were stored after his death in 1959 at Cornell University......The first installment, published last week on the Web site of the Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion (www.camlaw.rutgers.edu/publications/law-religion), includes a 108-page outline prepared by O.S.S. investigators to aid Nuremberg prosecutors. The outline, ''The Persecution of the Christian Churches,'' summarizes the Nazi plan to subvert and destroy German Christianity, which it calls ''an integral part of the National Socialist scheme of world conquest.''


Marcus Wellington said...

If that's the case then perhaps you can explain why Hitler was such a "good Christian" if he was trying to destroy both the Catholic and Protestant churches of Germany?

What gave you the impression Hitler was?
He spoke often of the need to repent and have faith in Christ Jesus.
And for the record Catholics are not Christians.

Marcus Wellington said...

in fact, Hitlers friendliness to Papists and popes may have been his downfall.

J Curtis said...

Yes Marcus, Hitler was soooo friendly with "papists and Popes' that he only sent 2,500 priests to Dachau alone Link

"Dachau became the camp where 2,720 clergymen were sent, including 2,579 Catholic Priests. The priests at Dachau were separated from the other prisoners and housed together in several barrack buildings in the rear of the camp. There were 1,780 Polish priests and 447 German priests at Dachau. Of the 1,034 priests who died in the camp, 868 were Polish and 94 were German. Source: "What was it like in the Concentration Camp at Dachau?" by Dr. Johannes Neuhäusler.

Other clergymen at Dachau included 109 Protestant ministers, 22 Greek Orthodox, 2 Muslims and 8 men who were classified as "Old Catholic and Mariaists."

Marcus Wellington said...

Hitler was still too friendly with Popes and papists for my liking.
Birthdays with Archbishop Orsenigo and other rubbish. The Italians and their pope.
But the 109 Protestants were actually criminals who happened to be Protestants.
Some were spys or Communists or anarchists.
Abortion is wrong for people but for other groups why not help keep the number down?
Without it your children might end up praying to the pope and allah.
Think about it and wake up.

tinkbell13 said...

@ Ginx- You are so right about the problem with public education.

I will not insult my intelligence nor lower my IQ by even discussing any of this.

Unknown said...

I find myself wasting words when I expect retards like JD to read what I have to say. I've come to accept merely commenting for the benefit of anyone who might happen upon his site.

Plus Marcus is commenting, so there's no point. Him and JD can just have a good-old fashion fag-drag with their pick-up trucks.

tinkbell13 said...

There is no point, none whatsoever. Frightening that there are people out there like this, and they vote. This is the backwards world..... So lucky to be Canadian.

Anonymous said...

Geenks, "fag drag with their pick ups trucks" is priceless. I would like to use that term, but I don't use the "f" word. Besides my daughter has been on me for years to quit saying words that can be offensive. But anyway I don't think it's fair to lump our boy JD in with the likes of Marcus.

JD ain't hatin'. And if he is, he's hatin' on ideologies, not people. Marcus sounds like he's plotting to blow something up. Dude scares me.


J Curtis said...

Hitler was still too friendly with Popes and papists for my liking

Marcus, simply type the words [Operation Rabat] into a search engine and read that which pops up. From the excruciatingly right-wing apologist site known as The Boston Globe

"Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler gave one of his generals a direct order to kidnap Pope Pius XII during World War II, but the officer did not obey" Link

J Curtis said...

I find myself wasting words when I expect retards like JD to read what I have to say

Is this coming from the asshole who wondered aloud whether I shouldnt be dragging someone of a different color from the back of my pick-up, and when it was pointed out that my wife and her entire side of the family are BLACK, didnt retract his statement, apologize or acknowledge his mistake in any way whatsoever?

tinkbell13 said...

Feeno.... As always, you are optimistic and sweet. However, Marcus does not visit your blog, nor does he visit any of ours. There is a reason why he was here.

J Curtis said...

Marcus does not visit your blog, nor does he visit any of ours. There is a reason why he was here

And what, pray tell, was that reason Tink?

tinkbell13 said...

You tell me- he seems to like you.

Reynold said...

Doesn't make much difference to me; People know that Hitler just used christianity to help get in power.

It has no bearing on whether it's true or not, but it does show that xianity has had a remarkably anti-semitic past.

Ex.) Martin Luther's book "On the Jews and Their Lies" and the various Catholic pogroms against the Jews.

They even had liturgies talking about "the perfidious Jew" in their services.

At some point though, Hitler would have figured that he has no more use for them, and would have ditched them.

Reynold said...

I forgot something.

From another place where I posted this. I'm too lazy to clean up the tone for here:

Have a look in your OT and see just how many times the Great Abortionist you worship had pregnant women and babies killed? He could have had the ancient Isrealites care for them (he did, after all, supposedly provide that “Manna from heaven” nonsense.

Why don’t you do some checking up on how many pregnancies end in miscarriages.


If you believe that “life begins at birth” than you've got another problem with worshiping an abortion-happy god while decrying humans who do it.

It seems to me that it's you religious-based “pro-lifers” who are the ones really crying with “crocodile” tears.