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Free and Strong America

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What Does Sarah Palin Read Her Daughter From the Bible?

Let me start off by saying that I'm not exactly a huge Sarah Palin fan. She's "OK" in my book. A more accurate idea of who I believe, among the leading candidates out there, is best able to lead this nation (US) can be determined by clicking on Mitt Romney's Free and Strong America emblem on the left margin.

That being said, I generally like Palin. I do not doubt at all that she would stand up for the sovereignty of the United States if she were ever in a position of leadership on the national level. I cannot say the same about our current president.

The above title is from an article by Benyamin Korn who has this to say about Governor Palin...

"When Governor Sarah Palin spoke to 16,000 Christian evangelical women in Louisville, Kentucky on April 16, guess which book she mentioned as the one she reads to her daughter at bedtime?

Try the biblical Book of Esther.

That’s right — Sarah Palin, mocked and pilloried by Jewish liberals as a danger to world Jewry because of her Christian beliefs, reads to her 8 year-old from a book that most Jews should probably spend a little more time with....

..to Sarah Palin, the well being of Israel and the Jewish people is an integral part of her worldview. Israel is not just another cold run-of-the-mill foreign policy matter, like trade with Mexico or aid to Sri Lanka. What happens to Israel matters to her as a Christian. Threats to America’s moral fiber and threats to Israel’s national security are all part of the same challenge that she wants Americans to address.

Governor Palin takes her Bible seriously. Not in the sense of someone who wants to impose her beliefs on anyone else, but simply as someone who believes that both the Hebrew Bible an the New Testament provide moral guideposts for our lives. She reads the Book of Esther to Piper because she wants her daughters to emulate Jewish history’s most famous heroine.

In her speech to the Women of Joy, Palin included a few quotes from the New Testament. But Jewish scripture figured much more prominently. She quoted twice from Psalms, as well from Proverbs and Malachi. She spoke to Piper about how Esther, an orphan, overcame steep odds and difficulties in order to save the Jewish people. And she took issue with President Obama’s policy of “poking our ally Israel in the eye.”

Fear-mongers with political agendas want to drive a wedge between Governor Palin and American Jewry. Sometimes they do it with quotations that leave out key sentences. Sometimes they do it with distorted depictions of her religious beliefs.

Jews have nothing to fear from Sarah’s Palin religion. But we have plenty to fear from those political leaders who not only have no interest in Esther or Proverbs, or Sarah, but who think that poking Israel in the eye makes for good foreign policy."

I find it odd that America, for all of it's talk about freedom, does not do more to support the best example of democracy and women's rights in the Middle East by more vocally supporting Isreal. It's Arab neighbors could learn a thing or two from Isreal's success, however it seems the Obama administration couldnt possibly care less.

Regarding Isreal, the Bible tells us, "cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee" (Genesis 27:29), and this has been the hallmark of America's relationship with Isreal since it's founding in the modern era. Certain past president's have seen the existance of Isreal and the the well being of United States as being linked to one another. If one wishes to discuss weening Isreal off of subsidies that it receives from the United States, then fine, let's talk about it. However the nation that is by far our closest ally in that part of the world should be supported, no matter what the chorus of hate of those nations that surround it are braying in only the latest edition of their unhinged and hate filled anti-Jewish rantings.


Froggie said...

Please learn how to spell Israel. K?

You are constantly criticising BO about his policy on Iran.
I don't think you understand all the behind the scenes activity that is presently taking place.

That aside, for one, rather than making vague statements, what would you do about Iran right now if you had to make a snap decision?

Somehow I think you will try to weasel out of actually answering this.

Gregg Metcalf said...

Very interesting. I didn't realize Palin had a biblical side. I do agree that she would stand up for our sovereignty if she had the chance.

photogr said...

I don't think allienating our current allies is a prudent thing to do in Obama's case. However this seems to be the case with Israel as well as some of our European allies. Not a wise thing to do in todays current times.

Palin is another issue. I don't think she is the best hope for the Republican party as a presidential candidate. I am glad to see her openess as far as her faith but is it just to gain support from the Christian community with her political agenda what ever it may be?

On the other hand, I have grave concerns of a president that would shun our long term allies and bow down and exalt our supposed enemies.

Tracy said...

I'm wiht you JD in being puzzeled that America has become considerably less supportive of Israel in recent years. I also can not seem to get around the Genesis 27:29, as well as other similar, verses.

J Curtis said...

That aside, for one, rather than making vague statements, what would you do about Iran right now if you had to make a snap decision?

First, the UN is completely worthless and I wouldnt go that route.

Who are the people building reactors in Iran? Russians. I would give fair warning for Russia (and China if they are there also) to get their people out or else they risk endangerment from flying bombs. Israel would be more than happy to assist. I believe the Saudis would probably breath a sigh of relief.

Palin is another issue. I don't think she is the best hope for the Republican party as a presidential candidate

The reason I think that she isnt a viable candidate is that she's been "Dan Quayled". I believe she's a bit more intelligent than she is commonly portrayed, but the airhead label seems to stick anyway.

Froggie said...


Please read what you just wrote:

"I would give fair warning for Russia (and China if they are there also) to get their people out or else they risk endangerment from flying bombs. Israel would be more than happy to assist. I believe the Saudis would probably breath a sigh of relief."

You are going to threaten Russia AND China with war? Really?

Hahahahahahahahaha! Quit joking around. What would you really do?

J Curtis said...

No, you misread my above quote. I stated that I would give Russia and China the courtesy ahead of time to remove personnel from areas of nuclear development.

What they decided to do with that information would then be up to them.

But that's just one option though.

When negotiating with such goons, one might mention the unusual number of orders for arms shipments that they have been receiving from certain men in Degestan, Xinjiang and Chechnya.

The Russians are actively doing much the same thing, except on a much larger scale by developing nuclear technology with Iran. I don't think that it's out of personal animosity though, but rather they are putting the world at risk because of pure greed.

Gandolf said...

JD i share your concern of the situation.But there is enough ongoing wars at present at such a terrible cost,with no real quick end in sight yet.

JD it is your country and your lives and your future and your choice.But i cant help feeling it would not be the best move to make threats to China or Russia.Infact i cant help thinking this would be the very worst move.Infact i cant help feeling the best hope there is, is to try everything possible to make both these nations not enemys but allies and friends.

If there is any real hope left for a better future, its about learning to try to make amends for any wrong doings and burying hatchets,not sharpening them and waving them all about.

Take this thought of mine however you please.But all as i can say is even if im non faithful, i still happen to have a heart and still honestly do care about the wefare of other people
