I've cited author Jack Cashill a couple of times in the past. I enjoy a conspiracy theory story as much as the next person and one of Cashill's interests lies in the crash of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island New York on July 17th, 1996 (wreckage pictured above). Cashill's article this week mentions that he and others are working on a documentary on the subject and he details what they now know about the incident, especially concernining the claimed existance of a video of the explosion showing a missle streaking toward the jetliner which was shown in several media markets around the world immediately after the crash but has since quietly disappeared....
"Reportedly, in the hours after the crash, there was a bidding war for the video in question. When the bid reached $50,000, Fox was eliminated from the process.
The high bidder seems to have been NBC and/or its new sister network, MSNBC. This makes market sense in that MSNBC had been launched just two days prior, and the publicity would have been well worth the cost.
Still, I say "seems" because my sources will not speak on record, nor will MSNBC follow up on queries. Here is exactly what I know, no more, no less.
In the summer of 2001, my partner James Sanders, and I were negotiating with Broadcast Network News (BNN) – then the world's largest independent news producer – to distribute our documentary on the subject of TWA Flight 800, "Silenced."
These were serious negotiations. The person with whom we were communicating was BNN's chief executive officer, Steve Rosenbaum.
One day that summer, Rosenbaum called me in a state of high excitement. "Jack," he said, "you will not believe the conversation I just had."
Although Rosenbaum thought our video had market potential, he was not at all convinced of our thesis, namely that missiles had been fired at TWA Flight 800. The conversation in question eliminated just about all doubt.
As Rosenbaum explained, he had been interviewing a candidate for a position as BNN's technical director at a rooftop cafe when an airplane passed overhead.
The conversation moved naturally to airplanes and then, with Rosenbaum taking the lead, to TWA Flight 800. "I've seen the video," said the candidate, who had until recently been working at MSNBC.
"You mean 'Silenced'?" said Rosenbaum, a little surprised.
"No," the candidate answered, "the video, the actual video of the plane being shot down."
As the candidate told Rosenbaum, late on the night of the crash, editors at MSNBC had the tape on their monitors when "three men in suits" came to their editing suites, removed the tape and threatened the editors with serious consequences if they ever revealed its contents."
The high bidder seems to have been NBC and/or its new sister network, MSNBC. This makes market sense in that MSNBC had been launched just two days prior, and the publicity would have been well worth the cost.
Still, I say "seems" because my sources will not speak on record, nor will MSNBC follow up on queries. Here is exactly what I know, no more, no less.
In the summer of 2001, my partner James Sanders, and I were negotiating with Broadcast Network News (BNN) – then the world's largest independent news producer – to distribute our documentary on the subject of TWA Flight 800, "Silenced."
These were serious negotiations. The person with whom we were communicating was BNN's chief executive officer, Steve Rosenbaum.
One day that summer, Rosenbaum called me in a state of high excitement. "Jack," he said, "you will not believe the conversation I just had."
Although Rosenbaum thought our video had market potential, he was not at all convinced of our thesis, namely that missiles had been fired at TWA Flight 800. The conversation in question eliminated just about all doubt.
As Rosenbaum explained, he had been interviewing a candidate for a position as BNN's technical director at a rooftop cafe when an airplane passed overhead.
The conversation moved naturally to airplanes and then, with Rosenbaum taking the lead, to TWA Flight 800. "I've seen the video," said the candidate, who had until recently been working at MSNBC.
"You mean 'Silenced'?" said Rosenbaum, a little surprised.
"No," the candidate answered, "the video, the actual video of the plane being shot down."
As the candidate told Rosenbaum, late on the night of the crash, editors at MSNBC had the tape on their monitors when "three men in suits" came to their editing suites, removed the tape and threatened the editors with serious consequences if they ever revealed its contents."
The cited article contains some other interesting points as well. I doubt that we will ever know what happened on that night any more than we will finally untangle the Kennedy assasination, whatever became of Judge Crater, or whatever happened to Ron Brown. But it doesn't hurt to have a healthy dose of skepticism when examining the official sory of how something transpired. Especially if certain questions aren't answered properly as they tend not to go away so easily.
Not a leg to stand on.
I'd bet a month's salary, as a matter of fact.
Links in post are broken.
Not a leg to stand on
But what type of evidence would convince you that there ight be something to it?
Links in post are broken
Thanks for the heads up. Just fixed it.
Whateverman, whatever you do, please keep giving credence to the claim that atheists tend to be quarrelsome and socially challenged men.
It's no skin off my back bro. I just hit a little button and viola, it's gone.
Your censorship of Whateverman is my impetus to say goodbye.
Thanks for your hospitality, but since you do not have the wherewithal to answer the tough questions, which totally distracts from any interest I had in your comments, I will bid you ado.
Good day, and with all due respect,
No hard feelings Frogster.
BTW, what hard questions? I'll tell you what. If you can show me where I (as per WM) "characterized an entire race", I'll concede the point.
If not, then that's OK as well. See you at Ray's anyway.
EDIT: Whateverman is not an atheist
How's about not being a cowardly prick? You chose to link to Vox Day in an earlier off-topic comment that you made about atheists.
I was replying to your off-topic comment, you hypocrite.
Yet I still see your comment up there.
My goodness Reynold, do you get out much?
The earlier link was in reference to a previously banned commenter who it seemed did not take a hint very well, being that he posted to this blog numerous times after being told to take his unsubstantiated clown-act elsewhere..
I couldn't care less how you deal with previously banned commenters on your blog. Why should you take issue with it here?
I notice that my inbox is devoid of any corresponce from you in reference to discussion concerning the earlier off-topic subjects that you posted and I will assume that these were posted in order to just be argumentative rather than to actually discuss them in any sort of meaningful manner.
I notice that my inbox is devoid of any corresponce from you in reference to discussion concerning the earlier off-topic subjects that you posted and I will assume that these were posted in order to just be argumentative rather than to actually discuss them in any sort of meaningful manner.
Why should I? You had the material right here. Why don't you make a few more posts dealing with those topics where you just wind up deleting comments and criticizing people for going off topic while you do the same with impunity?
Doesn't it make wyu wonder, JD, why almost very person that stumbles across yur blog, within a few posts ends up referring to your bigoted comments?
You do know some bigots don't know they are bigots because they are culturally conditioned and are incpble of introspection?
You knpow these people generally quote nothing but far right extreme propaganda from WND and like sources and never read or try to understand competing values/ opinions?
It has been pointed out to you many times that you have made bigoted comments/ posted bigoted comments by others.
Then you get called on it and you want to take care of it behind the curtain in an e-mail?
Why is that? Are yu afraid to let your readers see yur arguments/ explanations?
You got a lot of 'splainin to do, young man.
Why don't you make a few more posts dealing with those topics where you just wind up deleting comments and criticizing people for going off topic while you do the same with impunity?
Again we are off topic. again, if any of these things interest you, send me an email and define specifically what aspects you woud like to discuss about them. If you can accomplish this without going ad hominen again and I find it interesting, then maybe I will make a seperate thread.
Doesn't it make wyu wonder, JD, why almost very person that stumbles across yur blog, within a few posts ends up referring to your bigoted comments?
Not one little bit Froggie. Since you have set a very high bar for yourself, then perhaps you would like to put forward a short list of all of those who accuse(d) me of bigotry. If it's no more than a couple of tired cranks who were unable to substantiate their claims, then what the heck do I care?
It has been pointed out to you many times that you have made bigoted comments/ posted bigoted comments by others..
You got a lot of 'splainin to do, young man
Speaking of explaing Froggie..
2nd attempt: I'll tell you what. If you can show me where I (as per WM) "characterized an entire race", I'll concede the point.
It would seem that if this were so obvious, you would have explained as such already.
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