Where's the birth certificate

Free and Strong America

Friday, June 19, 2009

I'd like to thank the guy who posted this

While surfing the net last night, I came across this live performance video of former Eagles guitarist Don Felder performing his solo classic Heavy Metal (Takin' a ride). It's from May of '09 and you have to wonder where the guys been all this time. If anybody remembers the classic movie from the 80's of the same name, take a moment to stroll down Memory Lane and relive the days of Hanover Fist and Lincoln Stern.


MC said...

The opening scene to the movie wa my most memorable- a '57 Vette coming down to Earth with the song "Radar Rider" by Riggs in the background... yes.

J Curtis said...

Funny you should mention that. I was thinking of that song yesterday while commenting on something written by a "Rhiggs" over on this thread. I'll try and work it into the conversation. :-)