Today's article in Christianpost.com raises the issue of why so many Jihadists and those opposed to freedom are, seemingly, addicted to pornography. Indeed, I recall watching video from a reporter imbedded with US Army troops in Iraq and hearing one soldier lament (paraphrasing) 'These terrorists purport themselves to be such holy men, but when we analyze the content of their captured laptops, almost always we find they are filled with porn."
We all recall that pornography was discovered among the items in Osama bin Laden's compound. Also, if one were to research to see what country leads the planet in seeking pornography via internet search engines, they would quickly find that the hotspot of unrest known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is by far and away the world leader.
The above cited article from Christianpost.com also mentions that child pornography was found on the computer of Naser Jason Abdo (above) who was recently arrested for conspiracy to attack Ft. Hood, Texas with a bomb.
With all theses instances of pornography adding up amongst Jihadists that would seek to do us harm, what affect might such a fascination with pornographic material have on someone? Some excerpts from the article...
We all recall that pornography was discovered among the items in Osama bin Laden's compound. Also, if one were to research to see what country leads the planet in seeking pornography via internet search engines, they would quickly find that the hotspot of unrest known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is by far and away the world leader.
The above cited article from Christianpost.com also mentions that child pornography was found on the computer of Naser Jason Abdo (above) who was recently arrested for conspiracy to attack Ft. Hood, Texas with a bomb.
With all theses instances of pornography adding up amongst Jihadists that would seek to do us harm, what affect might such a fascination with pornographic material have on someone? Some excerpts from the article...
"While much of the attention on Abdo’s case so far had focused on his religion, Islam, and his refusal to deploy to Afghanistan due to his religious motivation, the fact that he was earlier charged with possession of child pornography on his computer was apparently being ignored, noted Prof. Bryson, who serves on the Board of Directors of the Institute for Global Engagement.
Pornography is not a necessary or sufficient cause for terrorism, Bryson clarified, “yet pornography now appears frequently in the possession of violent terrorists and their supporters, including Osama bin Laden.” She said she wondered whether today’s “ubiquitous and increasingly grotesque” kind of pornography was “one of the influences warping the mentality of those who aspire to or who actually go on to engage in ever more grotesque public violence.”
..Bryson said there was a need to study the impact of pornography on those who use it, particularly on those who also become obsessed with extremist ideologies.
“So, I wonder, is anyone in the U.S. government tracking and surveying the presence and types of pornography on these media? If we have access to the libraries of the personal pornography preferences of those who support and engage in terrorist violence, we may have a window into the dark corners of their minds. What lurks there? It may be to our own peril that we would ignore this information before us.”
Pornography, she said, could not be seen as a “freedom” issue. “What if we are actually making ourselves less free by allowing pornography itself to be more freely accessible?” she asked.
“Could it be that pornography drives some users to a desperate search for some sort of radical ‘purification’ from the pornographic decay in their soul? Could it be that the greater the wedge pornography use drives between an individual’s religious aspirations and the individual’s actions, the more the desperation escalates, culminating in increasingly horrific public violence, even terrorism?”
Pornography is not a necessary or sufficient cause for terrorism, Bryson clarified, “yet pornography now appears frequently in the possession of violent terrorists and their supporters, including Osama bin Laden.” She said she wondered whether today’s “ubiquitous and increasingly grotesque” kind of pornography was “one of the influences warping the mentality of those who aspire to or who actually go on to engage in ever more grotesque public violence.”
..Bryson said there was a need to study the impact of pornography on those who use it, particularly on those who also become obsessed with extremist ideologies.
“So, I wonder, is anyone in the U.S. government tracking and surveying the presence and types of pornography on these media? If we have access to the libraries of the personal pornography preferences of those who support and engage in terrorist violence, we may have a window into the dark corners of their minds. What lurks there? It may be to our own peril that we would ignore this information before us.”
Pornography, she said, could not be seen as a “freedom” issue. “What if we are actually making ourselves less free by allowing pornography itself to be more freely accessible?” she asked.
“Could it be that pornography drives some users to a desperate search for some sort of radical ‘purification’ from the pornographic decay in their soul? Could it be that the greater the wedge pornography use drives between an individual’s religious aspirations and the individual’s actions, the more the desperation escalates, culminating in increasingly horrific public violence, even terrorism?”
What are your thoughts on the subject? Could pornography be a major contributing factor that helps desensitize the attacker and dehumanize the victims in Jihadist attacks?
Is porn a "national security" concern? Only if you're looking to distinguish jihadi's from within the 150 million other male porn surfers in America....
There is, however a 100% link between jihadi's and Koran readers, though. Perhaps National Security types need to look into those who both read theKoran AND look at porn. THAT might prove "productive".
I wouldnt say that pornography is THE contributing factor here, but I would hypothesize that it is one of several.
I don't think many devout Christians read this type of material (although I wouldnt doubt that some do), however, it seems to be endemic among the Muslim countries.
Then there's the question of what type of pornography we are tallking about here. Click on the Christianpost and foxnews links up above to see the truly sick content we are talking about here.
Psychologically speaking (Freudian), I would think that the objectification of women is an strong indicator of Eros, and therefore "opposed" to the "death instinct" (Thanatos).
In other words, it would work against "suicidal" tendencies (as in suicide bombers).
But then again, it is Thanatos that converts the "Pleasure Principle" in the "Reality Principle"... so these people DO have a tendency to evade "reality" and wouldn't likely think too deeply on how a bomb would likely convert them into just so much raw hamburger.
I've been told that the best way to "break" a jihadi is to strip his mother naked before him...
It would seem that the Oedipus Complex runs more strongly than normal in these types. And what jihadi could ever admit to himself that he once dreamed of sleeping with his own mother...(breaking incest taboo's)?
I don't think many devout Christians read this type of material
Me either.
JD is right. Pornography will make you want to kill everything that moves and it will corrupt your mind by transforming you into ruthless communist mass murderers. I'm sure what caused Breivik's problem is that he watched too many Norwegian adult movies.
Please, stay away from all such media content.
Also, make sure NEVER to look at yourselves naked. Turn off the lights prior to undressing, lest you become a sleepwalking knife-wielder after seeing yourself naked in the mirror.
It is also common knowledge that the vast majority of murderers were once BREAST FED by their mothers and subsequently became obsessed with those female body parts as a result... be sure to always look women in the eye, if you do not want to end up in prison.
I think both of you are WAY off the mark here.
We're not talking about your father's pornography here where an air-brushed, topless woman is held up as a thing of beauty representing the feminine form. You really should check out the cited links up above for a more complete picture of what we're talking about here.
I am positing that the repeated viewing of violent pornography, degrading pornography, child pornography and pornography depicting beastiality is decidedly NOT outcome neutral and an indication that a person who repeatedly engages in such activity DEFINATELY has a problem.
Feel free to disgree.
Correlation is not causation.
Correlation is not causation.
That would depend upon the correlation now, wouldn't it?
If it's 1 or -1, I suspect you're probably on the right track to determining causation.
Correlation is not causation
Are you quite sure about that GS? Because I was always under the impression that caucasian in fact WAS equal to corraberation. Or was that the other way around?
It's always so splendid to have someone explain such elemental terms to another because they assume they are not properly understood.
For an explanation of the former, dare we hope for a Sagan quote?
"Pornography is not a necessary or sufficient cause for terrorism," Bryson clarified
"Could it be that pornography drives some users to a desperate search for some sort of radical ‘purification’ from the pornographic decay in their soul?"
So, in one article, the same source says both that pornography is not a cause for terrorism, then speculates that it might be a cause for terrorism.
Correlation is NOT causation.
How about this: A dogmatic and fundamentalist religious mindset that dictates the total obscuring of women's bodies and faces, while simultaneously promising adherent martyrs 72 virgins in heaven, tends to pervert a healthy sexual drive AND foment terrorist acts.
How that for a splendid explanation of elemental terms, genius?
A dogmatic and fundamentalist religious mindset that dictates the total obscuring of women's bodies and faces, while simultaneously promising adherent martyrs 72 virgins in heaven, tends to pervert a healthy sexual drive AND foment terrorist acts.
Naaaah! These are merely the signs of a healthy Oedipally-fixed repressive SuperEgo. Now if they were Men's bodies being viewed, THAT would be a sign of an unsuccessful Oedipal conversion and a psychologically UN-Healthful repressive thought inversion. Something went wrong with the "transference."
It's a sign of the "gay" mind-disease that APA now chooses to ignore. ;)
Welcome to Foucault's Disciplinary Society. It's still so far, far away from the self-regulating panopticon of a "Society of Control" (although the internet/ie-Facebook are breaking down barriers as people voluntarily post data for the "controllers" to monitor).
Meanwhile, the Left seeks to trade religion for homosexuality as a "modern mental disease". If they are successful, could conservatism be their next target? Count on it.
If I only had naked men to look at, I'd deny the existence of a Higher Being, too
the Left seeks to trade religion for homosexuality as a "modern mental disease". If they are successful, could conservatism be their next target? Count on it
I hadnt considered it in quite exactly those terms, but I think youre on to something.
As if you didn't know it was coming...
Gay porn found in Gaddafi compound
I'd like to consider porn a matter of national security from a different angle. Could we even fathom terrorists learning to fly planes into buildings? We didn't. Think for a moment, what would happen to our nation if computers were terminally disabled. I'm not a computer geek, but I have had to deal with viruses. What better way to "infect" multitudes of computers than viruses or those worm things but pornography? They were watching it at the Pentagon, the SEC, etc. How difficult would it be to infect porn??
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