That the Lizard Queen should replace Chairman Zero at the top of the democratic ticket for 2012 is an idea that has been out there for awhile. Are we now seeing the first, substantive steps by democrat operatives in throwing Barry under the bus by allowing the Trotskyite in Chief an outlet, reason or excuse in which he can gracefully bow out?
"We hear the New York Times is looking into whether it's all starting to get to him—like, clinically.
We're told by a source inside the Times that the paper is preparing a story arguing that Obama no longer finds joy in the political back-and-forth, has seemed increasingly listless to associates, and is generally exhibiting the litany of signs that late-night cable commercials will tell you add up to depression. Or maybe Low T.
Either way, the investigation was described to us as taking seriously the notion that Obama may be suffering from a depressive episode. Of course, absent a telltale Wellbutrin prescription or testimony from the man himself, it's really impossible to achieve a reliable diagnosis. And a story like "Obama Appears to Suffer From Depression" can be easily downgraded to "Political Travails Begin to Take Personal Toll on Obama." So the story in question, if it ever comes out, may not end up supporting the depression thesis. But rest assured: There are people at the Times who, based on the paper's reporting, believe Obama is depressed—the kind of depression where, if he weren't the president of the United States, he wouldn't be getting out of bed in the morning."
We're told by a source inside the Times that the paper is preparing a story arguing that Obama no longer finds joy in the political back-and-forth, has seemed increasingly listless to associates, and is generally exhibiting the litany of signs that late-night cable commercials will tell you add up to depression. Or maybe Low T.
Either way, the investigation was described to us as taking seriously the notion that Obama may be suffering from a depressive episode. Of course, absent a telltale Wellbutrin prescription or testimony from the man himself, it's really impossible to achieve a reliable diagnosis. And a story like "Obama Appears to Suffer From Depression" can be easily downgraded to "Political Travails Begin to Take Personal Toll on Obama." So the story in question, if it ever comes out, may not end up supporting the depression thesis. But rest assured: There are people at the Times who, based on the paper's reporting, believe Obama is depressed—the kind of depression where, if he weren't the president of the United States, he wouldn't be getting out of bed in the morning."
One blogger going by the moniker 'Ulsterman' (Yes, I thought you'd get a kick out of that B.O.O.) claims to have a source who has first-hand knowledge of the inner workings of the Obama White House and relates the following...
"...it’s been a while since I was last at the White House, but I don’t have a problem saying that the president is losing it. I don’t mean he is like losing his mind. I mean to say that he is losing whatever spark he had during the campaign. When you take away the crowds, Obama gets noticeably smaller. He shrinks up inside of himself. He just doesn’t seem to have the confidence to do the job of President, and it’s getting worse and worse.
Case in point – just a few days before I left, I saw first hand the President of the United States yelling at a member of his staff. He was yelling like a spoiled child. And then he pouted for several moments after. I wish I was kidding, or exaggerating, but I am not. The President of the United States threw a temper tantrum. The jobs reports are always setting him off, and he is getting increasingly conspiratorial over the unemployment numbers. I never heard it myself, but was told that Obama thinks the banking system is out to get him now. That they and the big industries are making him pay for trying to regulate them more. That is the frame of mind the President is in these days. And you know what? Maybe he is right, who knows?"
I have read that Vox Day has stated that Obama being replaced is a distinct possibility. Yesterday while on the air, Rush Limbaugh predicted that at the end of the day after all the talking is done, Obama will remain at the top of the ticket. But if he steps aside anytime soon, tell'em where you heard it first.
It is possible that Obama will be a one term president. I am not sure who they have to put in his place, but he has not demonstrated that he should have a second term.
They are saying that Obama is quote 'lanslide beatable' if the GOP doesn't nominate a RINO. Link
As for who would theoretically replace Obama, that would most likely be Hillary, the Lizard Queen.
James Carville just the other night...
"We lost 65 elections in November.
The economy is sliding not sideways. If anything it's sliding back. Macroeconomics advisers say there is a one in third chance we are going into another recession. You look at how crazy the opposition party is, cheering death and everything else, and you say, "Hey, we've got to change direction here. We've got to do something different. This is not working, not politically, not economically, not anything." So bring in a new team and indicate to people that you get it. They understand you were dealt a very tough hand, but you just keep playing the same hand over and over again. It's not working." Link
Some pundits have mentioned her, but I don't think the Dems would really overthrow their anointed one for her. Other than having a strong personality and the ability to lead, her policies would be the same or more extreme I think.
It sounds like President Obama hasn't grown into the job, and is perhaps at least partially the victim of the inflated and unrealistic expectations he encouraged 3 years ago. I wonder if it would have more success if he had waited until he had more Senate experience before running for the Presidency.
I thought Biden might decide to step aside as Vice-President in favour of Hillary, but that probably won't happen, will it?
The bus is going to run over any Democrat that steps in front of it in 2012. The tide has been receeding before the coming tsunami for nearly three years already...
"While the president continues to trail a generic Republican candidate in weekly Rasmussen Reports matchups, he earns 39% to 46% of the vote against named Republican challengers. Despite those relatively low levels of support, Obama has never trailed a Republican by more than three percentage points and has enjoyed large double-digit leads in some matchups. Obama now leads Texas Governor Rick Perry, the frontrunner in the GOP contest, 46% to 39%." Rasmussen
When a president has a 40 percent approval rating and he still beats a specific competitor by 7 points, the opposition is in serious trouble.
As if on cue...Chicago Tribune: Why Obama Should Withdraw
"It's hard for a president to win a second term when unemployment is painfully high. If the economy were in full rebound mode, Obama might win anyway. But it isn't, and it may fall into a second recession — in which case voters will decide his middle name is Hoover, not Hussein. Why not leave of his own volition instead of waiting to get the ax?" Link
Why not leave of his own volition instead of waiting to get the ax?
How about because the opposition party has even less to offer?
The republican party has some people in it that know what to do to turn this country around. But that's it.
The democrat party is a completely lost cause. Although I would be interested in being proven wrong on that assertion by someonne submitting a short list of who in the dem party has all or most of the bright ideas to get us out of our current mess.
Obama now leads Texas Governor Rick Perry, the frontrunner in the GOP contest, 46% to 39%
These are mere snapshots in a long marathon that has barely begun.
And she's not even running.
They ALL do better when they're not running.
Well this is interesting. I'm fascinated by the disconnect between the second and third questions.
If it narrowed down, I think you would see a republican leading.
The only thing that jumped out at me was the support that Rudy got. Little old ladies aren't going to stand outside in the rain in the midwest to vote for Giuliani. The republicans need this and Rudy won't turn them out.
If it narrowed down, I think you would see a republican leading.
I don't necessarily disagree. I just find it compelling that the same people who say they'd tend to vote against Obama change their mind when you put (almost) any given specific Republican's name up.
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